
My ramblings about how communication affects our lives, in politics and more…

40 Years + working in advertising and marketing communications, getting to know how it works.

  • Why Media Matters…
    Communication differentiates us from all the other species on the planet. Yes, others can exchange information, and chat, but the development of our ability to use language was central to our development. From the early beginnings of civilisation, humans began working together, in teams, to go from making stone tools to the present day when… Continue Reading →
  • We are All Individuals
    I am an individual. So are you. We are all individuals. Or so we think. So, I will take a moment to challenge myself on my individuality, my creativity, my freedom to make my own choices, the reason I make my own decisions. And very quickly I realise that the concept of being an individual… Continue Reading →
  • Napoleon? He’s not in the movie…
    I got interested in Napoleon when I was around 28, which is now 37 years ago. I was intrigued by looking at what I had achieved by that age (not much) and how a man who wasn’t even French had managed to be on the road to ruling Europe. It was the start of an… Continue Reading →
  • Why the Nolan Story is Important
    The furore around Stephen Nolan continues. The Irish News has published a story, following a long investigation, and legal appraisal, which has a number of elements that put the man and the BBC under a microscope. Briefly the story involves the sending of pornographic photographs, staff needing counselling, the promotion of divisive stories, called “ra… Continue Reading →
  • Why the Nolan story is important.
    The furore around Stephen Nolan continues. The Irish News has published a story, following a long investigation, and legal appraisal, which has a number of elements that put the man and the BBC under a microscope. Briefly the story involves the sending of pornographic photographs, staff needing counselling, the promotion of divisive stories, called “ra… Continue Reading →

Thanks for reading, if you did, if you didn’t, well, it’s a free country, for now!

Tim McKane

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